As you may have observed the past few days, Manila Touch is experiencing several downtimes. Ranging from PHP errors, layout errors, to total site downtime.

This was due to a major upgrade being done on the site. And as of now we are very proud to say that…

Your number 1 Philippine Spa Directory, Manila Touch, is now on V2.0!

Here’s the complete list of enhancements and repairs done with our site to make it look better!

Facebook Comments
Now you don’t have to fill in the Name and E-Mail fields using our traditional comment box. Comment up using our newly-integrated Facebook comment box and let your friends know about the spa you’re commenting about!

Rate This Spa!
Before, only the administration team of Manila Touch were the only ones able to rate a spa. But we want to be as transparent as possible. So from this year on, we’re letting you, our readers to rate the featured spas yourself! Simply click on stars for each category and click “Submit” button once you’re done! This will compile all the user ratings and will help new visitors/readers to get a glimpse of the spa they’re planning to go to.

Facebook Like Button
Now not only “Recommend” button is available down below, we’re putting the official Like button of Facebook on top of each article! Spread the word just by liking!

Doodle Background
While we were only “doodling” our logo the past few months, now we can finally customize the head background too. This will also be available for advertisements soon. So watch out spa owners!

ALSO CHECK:  The Rise of Male Massage Spas with Wet Areas in Metro Manila

Enhanced Spa Submission Form
The new form is already updated, and proud to say this is more user-friendly. A lot of spa owners tend to misuse the previous form because they have to edit the text field. Unlike this, which is more spoon-fed. Check the updated Spa Submission Form now.

Comment Rating
You can now rate commenters! Simply like or dislike their remark.. (and see how they react lol)

Better Comment Thread
Unlike the previous misformatted comment thread, the new version is simple: If the comment is on white background, it’s a standalone comment, while gray background means it is a reply from the comment on top of it. Pretty much simple right?

You feedback is important to us especially in terms of site navigation and interaction. If you have any suggestions or comments, do not hesitate to comment.

And oh, there’s nothing we can do if you’ll say it’s “Panget, Madumi”. Details please.

Enjoy the new Manila Touch!

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