manila touch back to operations full speed ahead philippines massage spa directory image

We’re Back, Full Speed Ahead!

Just a quick announcement here: Manila Touch is now back to full operations!After receiving a reasonable amount of traffic again from people who are...
spa massage metro manila closed

Enhanced Community Quarantine is Back in Metro Manila and “NCR Plus”

Metro Manila mayors have decided to close gyms, spas, and internet cafes in the region during the period of enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) from...
Massage CNNPH

Massage Spa Operations Update November 2020: 70% in GCQ Areas

Filipinos can now relax and pamper themselves as full body massages are again allowed in the country.Based on the CNN Philippines news, wew rules...
coronavirus covid 19 pandemic updates for massage spa philippines manila touch

COVID-19 Updates for Spa and Massage Businesses

Starting today, we're sending you constant updates on how spa and massage businesses will get affected with the still ongoing pandemic in the Philippines.This...
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New Spas Coming To Manila Touch

Hello Manila spagoers!Manila Touch is going back to uploading new spa businesses that are now open to serve you despite the pandemic! Mostly coming...