Here in Manila Touch, we love to see comments on our directory and its threads, nothing better than going to my ‘Dashboard’ page and seeing that comment button lit up. However, as the moderator of this site, I’ve refrained from posting some comments. The problem is that these comments resort to personal attacks, against other commentors, other individuals, and groups of people in general.

Starting today, May 12, 2011, you may question or argue any ideas but comments that include personal attacks will be removed.

Comment authors are ultimately responsible for the content of their own contributions. We aim for fact based discussion. Conjecture, nonsense, and conspiracy theories may be modified or deleted.

Making personal attacks in place of valid criticism is lazy, mean-spirited and ultimately counterproductive.  I would like this space to be one of personal respect.  Hope you’re OK with this.

If you leave a comment on this site and it does not appear in a reasonable time period, and you know that it does not violate this policy, contact the editors.

Image credits: Lolcats

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