Brace yourselves: Your one and ONLY spa directory is about to have a MAJOR MAKEOVER!

Less distractions, more features, more mobile-friendly, and an even faster browsing experience awaits all our massage enthusiasts. So please bear with us. Site will be working as usual but navigation will be a little challenging over the next few days. So make sure you hit that search button and we’ll take care of the rest. This is a big part of the upcoming 9th year anniversary of the site (it’s running that long and we’re not holding back any sooner!) and we’ve got special treats for everyone really soon!
Clue? Here’s some:
- Massage Job Opportunities
- SPA OF THE MONTH is coming back!
- Freelance Therapists category
- and a whole lot more!
Unfortunately, the community forum ( might not stay long. But we’ll make up for it!
Enjoy our new site. Cheers!