List of Best Massage Spa in Baguio

Are you looking for the best spa and massage spots in Baguio? Here are the current list of businesses available on our directory. Massage in Baguio has never been easier with Manila Touch!

You might want to check our featured massages spas first below:

If you need to find a specific spa in Baguio with certain features, amenities, and male or female therapists, or simply prefer to have it through home or hotel service, you can do so by going to Explore Massage Spas page and filtering your selections.

Happy massage browsing!

jade wellness and beauty center massage spa baguio

Jade Wellness and Beauty Center

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: #7 The Terrace Condominium, Laubach Road, Baguio City
skillful hand spa foot and body massage kennon road baguio benguet philippines image5

Skillful Hand Spa

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: 136 Camp 7 West Road, Baguio, Benguet, Philippines
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Baguio Castle Spa

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: 15 Bukaneg Street, Legarda Road, Baguio City
hemazas touch spa male massage baguio city philippines

Hemaza’s Touch Wellness Center

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: Unit 7, GF The Terrace Condominium, Laubach Road Baguio City 2600
vip prestiz spa baguio city massage philippines manila touch image

VIP Prestiz Spa

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: 1st Floor, BHM Building, Pinsao Proper Long Long Feder Road, Baguio City
body and sole baguio manila touch ph massage image

Body and Sole in Baguio

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: 31 Legarda Road, Baguio City, Benguet
nuat thai baguio manila touch ph massage item

Nuat Thai Marcos Highway

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: ECCO Building 2, Marcos Highway, 2600 Baguio City
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Body & Sole in Baguio

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: 31 Legarda Road, Baguio City, Benguet
nagomi spa baguio city massage philippines manila touch image2

Nagomi Spa

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: #16 Kisad Road, 3rd Floor, Midland Courier Bldg., Baguio City
north haven spa massage baguio city philippines manila touch image

North Haven Spa

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: #21 Avelino St., Ferguson Road, Baguio City
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Asian Massage Baguio City

Type: Spa Establishment
Address: No. 1 Engineer Hills Corner Cabinet Hills, Baguio City