To Our Valued Readers,
Manilatouch.com was founded to fulfill the following purposes:
- To provide a comprehensive directory that will aid spa-loving netizens in choosing where to spend their hard-earned money.
- To provide spa owners with an opportunity to promote their business online.
In 2011, we introduced the comments feature to provide an open forum for customer-to-customer and customer-to-business owner discussion.
We believe that this sort of interaction is mutually beneficial to customers and spa owners for the following reasons:
- The personal experience of others makes for a better-informed customer.
- Customer feedback is critical towards the success of ANY business.
Positive feedback should encourage business owners to maintain their quality of service.
Negative feedback is equally important, if not MORE important, as it allows business owners to improve their quality of service.
It has been our practice to allow comments to be posted with very little moderation or censorship because we value free-flowing discussion and open participation in the comments section.
However, a recent review of the comments section has caused us to reconsider.
Effective immediately, we are implementing a zero-tolerance policy with regards to the following:
- Comments containing sexual innuendo and activities including, but not limited to, “extra service”.
Manilatouch.com does not and never will condone nor endorse the solicitation of payment for sexual favors.- Comments containing personal and/or hateful attacks against fellow posters, massage therapists, spa establishments, and spa owners.
While we at manilatouch.com wholeheartedly believe in every person’s right to self-expression, we take this opportunity to gently remind our readers that these rights are not absolute.
We must recognize that as we exercise “self-expression” and “freedom of speech”, this does not give us license to trample upon the rights of others.
Please be mindful of the following when using the comments feature:
- Always be civil and respectful when posting comments to or about fellow posters, massage therapists, and spa establishments/owners.
It is alright to be funny or sarcastic when posting. Being insulting or condescending is another matter and should be avoided at all times.- Comments about a massage therapist’s performance or physical appearance are allowed as long as they are non-sexual in nature.
- Comments about a spa establishment, whether positive or negative are allowed. However, negative comments must always be kept civil and respectful.
We have received requests from spa owners/management to remove negative comments about their establishments. Unfortunately, we cannot grant these requests because it goes against the principles of transparency and fairness.
We urge spa owners/management to address these negative comments personally in a civil and respectful manner. This is an opportunity to improve your services and attract more customers to your establishment.
Should this be unacceptable, please inform the webmaster and we will delete ALL comments about your establishment. Manilatouch.com will only air ALL sides of the story or NONE at all.
It saddens us to take these extreme measures but we are left with no recourse.
Previous postings that have violated the abovementioned will be deleted.
Making sure that manilatouch.com is an informative, fun, friendly, and wholesome environment for spa-goers and spa owners to interact will always be our number one priority.
Thank you.
Why is the directory not updated? Nothings added? There are lot of new spas / massage that is not listed here…
Hi yeyey!
We’ll be adding new spas soon. We’re under OPTIMIZATION process for this month. We are doing some major maintenance so that the site will still load fast while we receive thousands of visits everyday.
Nonetheless, please watch out for the new spas coming here only at your number 1 spa directory!